
Understanding Biodiversity in Rwanda

Who to blame ?

Rwanda undoubtedly faces significant environmental challenges. The main problems facing the environment in Rwanda are pressures from the growing population on the natural resources such as land, water, flora and fauna and other non-renewable resources.

This is most evidenced in land degradation, soil erosion, a decline in soil fertility, deforestation, wetland degradation and loss of biodiversity. Key issues include deforestation due to the cutting down of trees for fuel, overgrazing, soil exhaustion, soil erosion and widespread poaching. The impact of climate change is another significant challenge that exacerbates the existing ones.

Being at the heart of the Albertine Rift, Rwanda’s habitats are equally varied, ranging from afro-montane ecosystems in the northern and western regions to lowland forests, savannah woodlands and savannah grasslands in the southern and eastern regions.
Who benefits from biosafety?

Who benefits from biosafety?

Who benefits from biosafety?

There are other habitats around volcanic hot springs and old lava flows, especially in the northern and western part of the country. Rwanda also has several lakes and wetlands which are rich in different species.

Though not yet well surveyed, all these ecosystems host a rich variety of fauna and flora and micro-organisms. This rich biodiversity is mainly conserved in protected areas (three national parks, natural forests and wetlands). These cover almost 10 percent of the national territory while the rest of the country is densely populated (416 people per square kilometer in 2012).

There are a multitude of anthropocentric benefits from biodiversity in the areas of agriculture, science and medicine, industrial materials, ecological services, in leisure, and in cultural, aesthetic and intellectual value. There are many benefits that are obtained from natural ecosystem processes. Some ecosystem services that benefit society are air quality, climate moderation (global, regional and local CO2 sequestration), water purification, disease control, biological pest control, pollination and prevention of erosion. Along with those come non-material benefits that are accrued from ecosystems: spiritual and aesthetic values, knowledge systems and the value of education that we obtain today.

Threats to biodiversity inside Rwanda

With the highest population density in Africa, coupled with its dependence on agriculture, the major threats to the biodiversity and genetic resources in Rwanda are mainly linked to population pressure and the problem of land scarcity. Other threats to the biodiversity are linked to human activities such as loss of habitat by conversion of natural habitats, mining, agriculture and the introduction of alien species.

The high population density has resulted in a sustained conversion of ecosystems and habitat that is threatening biodiversity in Rwanda. For instance, the total surface area of national parks in the country, have been continuously reduced since the 1960s in search for land for cultivation and settlements.

The intensification of agriculture and husbandry affects the natural habitats of species. Threats to the natural genetic resources (which are more resistant to the local conditions) also arise from breeding with improved and high productive varieties. This phenomenon if not addressed will mainly affect the cattle, where natural cattle varieties are running the risk of genetic erosion.

In the last few years, uncontrolled introduction of plants has been taking place. In some instances they are propagated without undertaking enough studies on their ecology. Such plants include Macadamia, Moringa, Neem, mulberry-trees, and recently Jatropha for bio-fuels. These introductions are made without meeting the phytosanitary and confinement requirements in Rwanda Agriculture Board field trials. This may lead to the introduction of invasive species or other pathogens in Rwanda

Opportunities provided by biodiversity

There are a multitude of anthropocentric benefits from biodiversity in the areas of agriculture, science and medicine, industrial materials, ecological services, in leisure, and in cultural, aesthetic and intellectual value. There are many benefits that are obtained from natural ecosystem processes. Some ecosystem services that benefit society are air quality, climate moderation (global, regional and local CO2 sequestration), water purification, disease control, biological pest control, pollination and prevention of erosion. Along with those come non-material benefits that are accrued from ecosystems: spiritual and aesthetic values, knowledge systems and the value of education that we obtain today.
Where is the solution?

Where is the solution?

Role of media in biodiversity awareness
The biodiversity crisis doesn’t get the headlines it deserves. Habitat loss, overhunting and now climate change threaten wild species across the planet. Scientists warn that the rapid loss of biodiversity our planet is currently facing will have dire effects for humanity, particularly for people who live closest to and depend most directly on nature.

The challenge of balancing human needs with environmental integrity is huge. The media has a role to play in raising awareness of these issues and enabling citizens, policymakers and private companies to debate and implement solutions. However, current media coverage of biodiversity and conservation is limited.
Role of media should be heard

Media needs to play active role for biodiversity concerns

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